The following message is an update to the original important message dated March 20th, 2020.
As of June 15th, 2020, the Jericho Water District is open to the public. Residents and consumers may now resume conducting business and transactions at District Headquarters in person.
For both the safety of residents and District staff, face masks are required upon entry, with a maximum of three (3) people being permitted in the lobby at any one time. Please follow social distancing protocols by keeping six feet away from other residents while waiting in the District’s lobby.
Until further notice, the purchasing of water services and sprinkler parts will be done through the service department on the side of the main office. You can also purchase these same parts by calling the service department and getting the total cost for the parts you need. You can then mail in a check for that amount, making sure to note what parts you need and the address where they will be installed. Once the check has been processed, you will be notified that you can set a date for the water service to be installed, or when to pick up your sprinkler parts. All deliveries will be accepted through the service department as well.
As Long Island begins reopening phases, we must proceed with caution and continue to take all necessary steps to reduce everyone’s exposure to the Coronavirus. To lessen your risk of in-person services, water bills can continued to be paid online (instructions on our website –, using the USPS or simply by dropping your envelope into the slot located to the left of our front doors.
Our residents continue to be in our thoughts as we continue to navigate these uncertain times. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call us at 516-921-8280.