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Superintendent Logan Presented With 2024 NYS American Water Works Association Operator’s Meritorious Service Award
April 15, 2024
The Operator’s Meritorious Service Award was given to Peter Logan at NYSAWWA’s Annual New York Water Event in Saratoga Springs.
Centennial Poster Contest Winners
April 21, 2023
We want to thank everyone that submitted a poster and are proud of all the participants. Thank you to the Syosset Central School District, Jericho Union Free School District and The Syosset and Jericho libraries for their assistance with coordinating and spreading the information to the community.
Reminder: Sprinkling Regulations in Effect
March 29, 2023
Summer irrigation quadruples average monthly water demand. In order to meet the water needs of all our communities, summer irrigation demand must be reduced, especially at peak early morning hours. Therefore, water conservation is a must. This plan is in effect permanently for this lawn sprinkling season and going forward for future years. Please refer . . .
Election Results – December 13th, 2022
December 14, 2022
The results of the Jericho Water District Commissioner Election are as follows: James Asmus (65), Write in Vote (0)
Lawn Watering Ban Lifted: Board Requests 25% Water Reduction from all Consumers.
July 26, 2022
Background: On July 9th, 2022, the Jericho Water District Board of Commissioners issued a “Stop Watering Your Lawn” mandate. This was a direct result of the lack of measurable rainfall over the previous 3 weeks, high temperatures and a critical treatment plant project falling victim to supply chain issues. While the issues delaying the completion . . .
No Watering Alert – July 9, 2022 Until Further Notice
July 9, 2022
Dear Jericho Water District Customer: This is an important message from the Superintendent of the Jericho Water District to our customers. Due to a prolonged period without sufficient rainfall, which looks to continue throughout this week and next, we are experiencing unprecedented demand for water. The supply chain issues that we have all been experiencing, . . .
Fix a Leak Week – March 14, 2022 through March 20, 2022
March 14, 2022
Leaks Can Run, but They Can’t Hide Are you ready to chase down leaks? Household leaks can waste nearly 1 trillion gallons of water annually nationwide, so each year we hunt down the drips during Fix a Leak Week. Mark your calendars for EPA’s annual Fix a Leak Week, March 14 through 20, 2022—but remember . . .
Election Results – December 14th, 2021
December 15, 2021
The results of the Jericho Water District Commissioner Election are as follows: Thomas A. Abbate (47), Write in Vote (0)
Fix a Leak Week – March 15 through March 21, 2021
March 15, 2021
Leaks Can Run, but They Can’t Hide Are you ready to chase down leaks? Household leaks can waste nearly 1 trillion gallons of water annually nationwide, so each year we hunt down the drips during Fix a Leak Week. Mark your calendars for EPA’s annual Fix a Leak Week, March 15 through 21, 2021—but remember that you . . .
Jericho Water District is now offering paperless E-Bills. Sign up today!
October 21, 2020
There are two ways to sign up! Print and complete the E-Billing Enrollment Form. Mail or email the form back to the District for processing. Visit the E-Billing page of the District’s website to fill out your E-Billing Enrollment form electronically. Tips for online bill pay through your own bank’s online bill pay service: When . . .
Is your contact information up to date?
October 21, 2020
In keeping with our efforts to provide excellent customer service, the District is beginning a campaign to update contact information on our utility accounts. On your next bill, please review the “Owner’s Current Contact Information” section and make any corrections necessary on the payment coupon before mailing in your payment. If this section is blank, this means there is . . .
Cellular Meter Changeout Update: 98% COMPLETED
October 21, 2020
The following message is an update to the original article dated May 6th, 2019. We are very proud of our office staff and service department for their hard work in completing this enormous task ahead of its end-of-2021 schedule. While there is a benefit to the District in utilizing cellular technology to collect readings, the REAL VALUE IS TO YOU, . . .
Attention: New Sprinkling Regulations in Effect – Summer 2020
August 8, 2020
Summer irrigation quadruples average monthly water demand. Three of our wells recently have been taken off-line and will remain off-line until early 2022. In order to meet the water needs of all our communities, summer irrigation demand must be reduced, especially at peak hours. Therefore, water conservation is a must. This plan will be in . . .
Lawn Watering Prohibited, July 29 through August 8
July 28, 2020
There has been an increase in lawn watering despite the District’s mandate forbidding this during our current severe conditions. This unauthorized usage continues to cause a serious drop in system water pressure during early morning hours. This is a reminder. No lawn watering is permitted for the next ten days, meaning from July 29 until . . .
Governor Cuomo Issues Drought Watch
July 28, 2020
Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced the State has issued a Drought Watch for four regions of New York, including Long Island, the Upper Hudson/Mohawk area, the Adirondacks, and the Great Lakes/St. Lawrence area. Click here for the full article.
July 16th update on lawn watering
July 16, 2020
Weather conditions from the last few weeks are continuing and likewise is the extreme increase in lawn watering, even though we have asked not to water. This continues to cause a drop in water pressure during the early morning hours. Again, any rainfall that we do receive will not be enough to alleviate this situation. . . .
An urgent message from the Superintendent of the Jericho Water District
July 7, 2020
Current weather conditions have caused an extreme increase in lawn watering and a corresponding drop in water pressure during times of peak demand. Any rainfall that we do receive will not be enough to alleviate this situation. Therefore, we are reminding all residents to refrain from watering lawns for the next 10 days. This means . . .
July 6, 2020 Urgent Update. Lawn Watering Ban Extended until July 16, 2020.
July 6, 2020
The hot, dry weather of June looks as if it will continue into the next week or two. Therefore, we are continuing to urge our residents to refrain from watering their lawns for the next 10 days. Any rainfall that we do receive will not be enough to alleviate this situation. This means that no . . .
An Important Message from Superintendent Peter Logan Regarding COVID-19
June 24, 2020
The following message is an update to the original important message dated March 20th, 2020. As of June 15th, 2020, the Jericho Water District is open to the public. Residents and consumers may now resume conducting business and transactions at District Headquarters in person. For both the safety of residents and District staff, face masks . . .
Building Dedicated For Late Water District Commissioner
February 13, 2020
BY JOSEPH WOLKIN As seen in Syosset-Jericho Tribune The accomplishments of one of New York’s leading experts on water supply, conservation and sustainability were further memorialized by a host of dignitaries with the official dedication of the Nicholas J. Bartilucci Administration Building Operations Complex, located at 125 Convent Rd. in Syosset, by the Jericho Water . . .
Election Results – December 10th, 2019
December 10, 2019
The results of the Jericho Water District Commissioner Election are as follows: James Asmus (235), Robert Freier (102), Thomas Carbone (86)
Important Notice
August 5, 2019
To be in compliance with section 215, subdivision 12 of the Town Law of the State of New York, it is mandatory that the District provide a listing of all unpaid water charges as of May 31st each year to the Town Board of the Town of Oyster Bay for collection on the tax roll. . . .
NYSDOH Proposed New Drinking Water Standards for PFOA, PFOS and 1,4-Dioxane
July 9, 2019
On July 8, Governor Cuomo’s office announced that the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) has proposed new drinking water standards for the emerging contaminants PFOA, PFOS, and 1,4-dioxane, which are polluting Long Island groundwater from industrial chemicals that were used and disposed here for decades. At that time, those responsible for the contamination . . .
Meter Change Out Program
May 6, 2019
Jericho Water District currently has approximately 19,000 individual water services. Water meters on these services range in age, size, manufacturer as well as the way that they are read. For the most part, readings are collected by District personnel on a quarterly basis by physically visiting each location and taking a direct visual reading of . . .
The NSWCA Nicholas J. Bartilucci Scholarship
May 22, 2018
A $1,000 scholarship is available for a worthy engineering student at Manhattan College. Sponsored by Jericho Water District as a member of the Nassau Suffolk Water Commissioners’ Association (NSWCA), the scholarship honors the late NSWCA past President and longtime Jericho Water District Commissioner, Nicholas J. Bartilucci. The annual scholarship is open to entering freshmen enrolled . . .
NOAA: National Weather Service
June 4, 2017
Jericho Water District is assisting NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), an Operating Unit of the U.S. Department of Commerce, in a scientific study collecting data on rainfall and temperature. NOAA’s mission is to “provide weather, water and climate data, forecasts and warnings for the protection of life and property and enhancement of the national . . .
Bartilucci Building Dedicated
January 8, 2017
In July of 2016, Jericho Water District lost its beloved Chairman, Nicholas J. Bartilucci. In appreciation of his long and very distinguished career that spanned nearly half a century, the remaining Board members felt it fitting to dedicate the Administration Building in his honor. During his tenure, Nick helped to shape and guide one of . . .