As a courtesy to our customers, reminder notices will be sent in late July to all customers who have an unpaid balance as of May 31st, 2021.
In order to avoid past due balances from being reported to the Town of Oyster Bay and a lien placed on your property, (required by Town Law Section 215, Subdivision 12), kindly pay this past due balance before August 27, 2021. You can pay bill online by clicking here.
Your cooperation in paying your past due balance in-full on or before August 27th, 2021, would be greatly appreciated.
Per Public Service Law §§ 32, 89-b, 89-1, 91 & 216: Residential and Small Business Consumers, (25 or fewer employees), who are experiencing, “a change in financial circumstances due to the COVID-19 state of emergency” are entitled to request a Deferral Payment Agreement, (DPA). Applications for a DPA can be found on the District’s website (