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NOTICE OF ADOPTION: Resolution for Additional Funding of Transfer Switches from Capital Improvement Reserve Fund, Date: November 25, 2022


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at a regular meeting held on the 16th day of November 2022, the Board of Commissioners of the Jericho Water District duly adopted a resolution, an abstract of which follows, which resolution is subject to a permissive referendum pursuant to Town Law Article 7:

RESOLUTION authorizing the Treasurer to appropriate additional funding in the amount of $55,000.00 from the Capital Improvement Reserve Fund for the purpose of funding the Replacement of Transfer Switches at the Various Locations Throughout the District.

Dated:  November 25, 2022

James Asmus, Commissioner

Secretary of the Jericho Water District

Download a PDF of: NOTICE OF ADOPTION: Resolution for Additional Funding of Transfer Switches from Capital Improvement Reserve Fund, Date: November 25, 2022