WHEREAS, the Commissioners of the Jericho Water District are eligible to participate in the New York State Retirement System; and
WHEREAS, the New York State Comptroller has been delegated the authority to promulgate rules and regulations for the reporting of service and salary information for all system participants under Retirement and Social Security Law §34; and
WHEREAS, the Comptroller has previously adopted reporting rules in 2 NYCRR 315; and
WHEREAS, the Comptroller has now promulgated amended reporting rules for “elected and appointed officials” under 2 NYCRR 315.4 effective January 1, 2009; and
WHEREAS, the District is covered by these new rules by virtue of the elected positions of its three Commissioners;
NOW THEREFORE, in compliance with the Comptroller’s Reporting Rules and upon motion duly made and seconded, be it
Unanimously Resolved as follows:
FIRST, the standard workday for the elective office of Water District Commissioner for the purposes of retirement reporting for the year ending December 31, 2023 shall be six (6) hours per day;
SECOND, a record of work activity (ROA) for a period of three (3) consecutive months and/or records of the actual hourly time worked by the elected Commissioners, shall be utilized for reporting time earned in the retirement system and these written time records shall be maintained by the District.
THIRD, the elected officials encompassed by the standard six (6) hour workday and their respective term expiration dates are (see detailed schedule attached)
FOURTH, a copy of this resolution shall be posted on the official signboard of the Town Clerk of the Town of Oyster Bay for a minimum of thirty (30) days;
FIFTH, a copy of this resolution shall be posted on the official signboard of the Jericho Water District and the District’s website for a minimum of thirty (30) days:
SIXTH, after said thirty (30) day posting period has expired a certified copy of this resolution and an affidavit of posting shall be filed with the New York State Comptroller.
I, Kathleen Cannon, Treasurer Clerk of the Jericho Water District in the Town of Oyster Bay, State of New York, certify that the full Board of Commissioners consists of three board members, and that all three members were present at the January 4, 2023 Reorganization meeting and that all three members voted unanimously in favor of the attached resolution.
Signed: Kathleen Cannon, Treasurer Clerk
Dated: January 4, 2023
View the PDF of the Resolution here.